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Entrepreneur partnerships: why we need them

As entrepreneurs start up, they usually have no idea what their aim is. No sense of direction. Why is this? It's usually because entrepreneurs are usually people who are sick of their jobs and want to start up a business, or its some excited teenager who wants to make money. In both positions, the parties are unaware of what to do, and how to do it. So it is always an important question to ask yourself: "where am I going with this?".

Once an entrepreneur has gotten his sense of direction, it is time for he/she to start to make the money they desire. This is a very difficult stage, as new upcoming businesses don't get as many costumers they hope fore, simply due to the fact that they are not very well known in the community. This is why entrepreneur partnerships are important for not only early stage businesses, but all level entrepreneurs in order to help the community out.

Entrepreneur partnership is when two upcoming entrepreneurs who come together in order to benefit off of each other. They are NOT combining to create one single business platform (they can do that if they want to but they is something different), but instead, they help each other boost sales through advertising the others business, or by investing in each others businesses. They can also help each other by being a source of sales for the other entrepreneur. Example: If I am selling bags of chips, and my friend is selling juice, instead of competing with each other, it would be smart for me to pay the juice seller to advertise the chips, then later, I tell all the thirsty chip consumers to go buy some juice, which helps the both of us out, as I paid him, but since he advertised me, I got more costumers.

This scenarios can be reenacted tons of different ways in real life. So for any early stage entrepreneur reading this, remember that partnership with others is important to stay in the game. And NEVER plan on cheating another guys back, as that adds bad rep to you business, which can lead to loss of trust from other businesses and consumers.

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